Xylia Buros – Aligning Your Content with Your Mission & Goals
Xylia is a Communications/PR consultant, writer, and editor specializing in architecture, design, hospitality, and travel. Over the course of her career, she has served as a marketing manager at top architecture firms, publicist, and magazine editor. She is now working with innovative companies worldwide to help them hone their messaging, expand their businesses, and reach new audiences. A magna cum laude graduate of NYU with a degree in English Literature, she has written about art, design, and business for several magazines.
In her workshop, Xylia will guide you on how to ensure that your website, resume, biography, and other marketing materials convey exactly what you intend. Attendees will first brainstorm on their mission and vision statements, and ideal client/customer profiles. Questions include: Is my content accurately conveying my mission and values? Where do I want my business to go? How do I want my clients to act after reading my content? If you’re taking part in this workshop, please bring your own marketing materials so you can pair off and analyze each other’s content.